The mutterings of a rubber chicken

Friday, July 28, 2006

Watching John Malkovich

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It's been an exciting week. Not.

Work, more work and even more work. It's going to be like this for the next couple of months and then it's all over. And I can't wait.

But I've decided to relax this weekend and watch a few movies. Last night I saw "Being John Malkovich" again. Always worthy of repeat viewing. My favourite scene is where JM enters his own portal and suddenly everyone is Malkovich (quite fetching in a red dress, John!) and can only utter the word Malkovich.

John Malkovich has a voice that sends shivers down my voice. Quite delicious. So, what better followup for today than Dangerous Liaisons?

It's beyond my control.

When it comes to JM, I truly believe it is.


Blogger mckay said...

Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,, Malkovich, Malkovich, Malkovich,

9:41 AM


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